Black Acrylic Displays with Versi Clips

Black Acrylic Displays with Versi Clips

Clip Type

Our Acrylic Displays with Versi Clips allow you to display your NeoMetal nipple bars, curved and circular barbells.

Silicone clips allow you to easily insert and remove jewelry and gently hold barbells without covering too much of the jewelry. These displays are made out of matte acrylic for a fingerprint-free surface. The NeoMetal name plate is made out of brushed aluminum.

The silicone clips are separately packaged from the display, so you can choose how many you want to use. Keep in mind, the clips can be hard to remove so think wisely before inserting them. We'll throw in a few extra, just in case.
16 Piece Black Acrylic Display 40 Piece Black Acrylic Display


Height: 27.3mm

Width: 114.5mm

Depth: 81.9mm


Height: 25.9mm

Width: 114.3mm

Depth: 75.6mm

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Four threadless titanium nipple bars with various faceted and cabochon side gems

Limitless Combinations

All Titanium pieces can be anodized into a wide variety of colors
Threadless pieces are universally adaptable, use any NeoMetal end with any NeoMetal Threadless Labrets or Barbell